Wounded Warriors – DEVIL-DOG Dungarees
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In 1948 DEVIL-DOG® Dungarees, an iconic American brand of durable and comfortable jeans, was created by our founder in honor of the Marines. The Marines earned the nickname Devil Dogs from official German reports about the Battle of Belleau Wood in June of 1918. As the Marines tenaciously fought their way up a hill, sometimes on all fours, the German soldiers began to yell that they were being attacked by “teufel hunden”, which translates to “dogs from hell”.

The relaunch of DEVIL-DOG® Dungarees would not be complete without honoring those brave Americans who inspired our name, and for whom we have the greatest respect. True to its name and heritage, DEVIL-DOG® Dungarees is "A proud partner of Wounded Warrior Project (“WWP”)". WWP is committed to honoring, empowering, and helping America’s injured veterans achieve their highest ambitions. DEVIL-DOG® Dungarees is proud to support this mission by donating $175,000 to WWP since 2019 regardless of sales. Trademark used under license." 

Please help us honor the brave men and women who served our country. Learn more at: 

